Dikt o förbannad lögn :) av Munin o Robert

Dikter, poesi och andra texter ur två ganska vanliga vänner cyber-IRL-bloggvänner!

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Plats: 08-trakten möjligen :), Sweden

Glad,kelig Munin-mamma :) Lite bångstyrig kanske, envis månne,aningen sjuk humor men snällsomfan (härmar kamrat här nånstans...)

söndag, januari 15, 2006

The City av Robert E Hall

Flashing lights in the big city
People passing me by as I try to get myself together
A glance from a young woman so pretty
Her smile is warming me in this cold weather
But then she is gone
Just like the moon at winter dawn

Cold wind in the face
No one can see the tears that falls from my eyes
This used to be a city I liked to embrace
Now it just feels like a devil in disguise
Find me a cab and get me out of here
So that my fear finally will disappear