Dikt o förbannad lögn :) av Munin o Robert

Dikter, poesi och andra texter ur två ganska vanliga vänner cyber-IRL-bloggvänner!

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Plats: 08-trakten möjligen :), Sweden

Glad,kelig Munin-mamma :) Lite bångstyrig kanske, envis månne,aningen sjuk humor men snällsomfan (härmar kamrat här nånstans...)

fredag, januari 13, 2006

Child Of The Night

You are standing in the yellow light of the streetlamp.
A long shadow from it on the ground.
You standing with hands in your pockets and looking to me.
Your face are at the half covered of the hood of your jacket.
But I yet know how your eyes is glowing like glassbeedles in your pale thin face.
How the shadows growing under your sleepless look. Your lips is
warm and red like the bloodfilled lips of a vampire.

I exactly knows how your fingers feels against my warm skin.
I know that the aura of you have gone away. SHE have stolen the love that you gived to me yesterday. I can see how you begging to come to me, you bend you neck for shame under the hood.
You know that I see, you know that it´s hurts. You couldn´t let HER go! You have to let HER take you life once again. To let HER condemn you to as The Child Of The Night walking in shadows. To let the wet street leed the way for you. A last look from you tired eyes, then you lieve...Walking away to Your World, as far away from mine....
