Dikt o förbannad lögn :) av Munin o Robert

Dikter, poesi och andra texter ur två ganska vanliga vänner cyber-IRL-bloggvänner!

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Plats: 08-trakten möjligen :), Sweden

Glad,kelig Munin-mamma :) Lite bångstyrig kanske, envis månne,aningen sjuk humor men snällsomfan (härmar kamrat här nånstans...)

fredag, januari 13, 2006

Let me go home

Why did I died?
And why did I happend to be born
at this time? I dont fit in here..this isn´t my time at all
Can a spirit comes to wrong time?
I wasn´t ready to leave you see...

Someone is still waiting for me
to come back. Something was meant
to be but never happened
I want to go back but where
is the road?

Please, show me the way
I longing for my heart, for my roots
Here in this time everything is wrong
nothing is follow my plans
I left something
I left someone
Please God take me back to the
place that I belong...
Let me go home!
