Dikt o förbannad lögn :) av Munin o Robert

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Plats: 08-trakten möjligen :), Sweden

Glad,kelig Munin-mamma :) Lite bångstyrig kanske, envis månne,aningen sjuk humor men snällsomfan (härmar kamrat här nånstans...)

lördag, februari 04, 2006

I aint

I aint got much to say
I walk by the narrow far away
I just need to find a way
to believe and trust on my own pray
I aint got much at all
I feel like standing against a wall
If I get arround a maybe fall
doesn´t matter anymore, my hearts call
I aint feel specially well
no crying I´ve just want to tell
I will go away to look after the spell
maybe I´ll meet someone who will sell
I aint no rich girl, no I aint
but bye me a spell to help me paint
my life i better colours I will
with happiness I will it fill
I aint no poor lady to save
I stronger than a rocky Dave
I neither somebodys little slave
I rather go and look for that speciall Cave
I aint no much to hang arround
I walk alone on my rocky ground
searching beyond closed doors
Sometime just sittning quiet on the floors
I aint no more then a ordinary girl
looking for a nice place in this world
And no I going thru the Cave I told you
and hope that I find my world behind thu